Seal rescue attempt

The MWF went to get it and looked after it overnight,
rehydrating it and trying to feed it. We alerted the Albion
Fisheries Research Centre (AFRC), following the national "Action
plan for stranded marine mammals/turtles".
The next morning our staff and volunteers went to pick it up and
transported it to the AFRC, where they had prepared their
facilities to receive and look after the seal; it was placed in one
of their fish ponds.
For several days our Scientific Coordinator helped trying to feed
it but the seal was very underweight and weak and not responding
well to the care. Despite everyone's efforts, the seal
unfortunately didn't make it; it passed away during the night
between 4 and 5 August.
If you find a stranded marine animal (whale, dolphin, seal,
turtle, etc.), please call the MMCS on 483 7781 and AFRC on 238
4100. It is important that qualified people deal with these
animals; it's illegal to touch/move them and it can be dangerous
for both parties (diseases, bites, etc.)